We left the serenity of the vineyard and followed the road to the Valley of the Temples. The archeological area of Agrigento that encompasses the Valley of the Temples was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997. This stunning park is offers visitors access to many Greek temples as well as an ancient necropolis (burial ground).

The Temple of Concordia is amazingly well preserved making it easy to imagine what it must have looked like some 2500 years ago. The Temples of Juno and Heracles didn’t fare quite as well but are incredible structures just the same. We walked the length of the park with our guide Simona who carefully explained the significance of the temples, their architectural features, how they were built and how they were later restored. Once again the Greeks have demonstrated their keen eye for prime real estate – the views from the temples out to the sea are nothing but breathtaking. After close to two hours among the Temples of the Gods it was time to move on to our next adventure.